Nathan Curtis: “Beyond the Toolkit: Spreading a System Across People & Products” — Clarity 2016

A design system is made up of parts: visual style, UI components, code, editorial, and often more. We know how to design, build, deliver them is like any other digital product development process. And there’s the rub: your system is a product in and of itself, applied to an enterprise’s ecosystem of other products built by autonomous teams of designers and developers.

Your strategy needs answers to “What products will use it, when and to what extent?” “Who’s our audience?” “Who participates and contributes?” “What groups must we align with?” “Who wants it, and — really — who doesn’t?”

We’ll explore ways to identify and prioritize how to engage your enterprise’s people and products as you spread and sustain a system over time.

Presented by Nathan Curtis at Clarity 2016, on March 31st, 2016. Ends with an interview with Chris Coyier