Accessibility in Color Systems - axecon 2021

Creating a color system for a large scale corporation is every designer’s dream but comes with its fair share of problems. If we take that process and intertwine accessibility we can eliminate a lot of those difficult decisions and create something truly beautiful. By the end of my talk, I want to empower other designers to take a fresh look at their own design systems and how they too can create an a11y-forward color system.

This session is from the Design track.

About the speaker: James Sullivan, Product Designer, Carmax. Preferred Pronoun: He/Him James “Sully” Sullivan started his design career in 2010 when he studied Visual Communications Design at Virginia Tech. After graduating, he moved to Richmond working as a Digital Designer at The Martin Agency. In 2018, he joined CarMax’s Visual Design Systems team. Since he began, he has worked on pushing the design culture forward and constantly strives to evangelize accessibility within the company. One of his largest accomplishments was overhauling the Color System in 2019.

00:00 Accessibility in Color Systems 33:21 Recap Summary 33:25 Q&A

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